Tuesday, June 20, 2006

New Classroom Setup 2006-2007

After our presentation at FETC 2006, I received many emails from people asking for more information about how we went about setting up the classroom. People wanted to know exactly what we purchased for my classroom and how much it cost. While at FETC, my principal determined that she could outfit our new classroom with handhelds for about half of what it cost to setup my class. Here are the specifics about what was ordered and the cost to setup Paul's classroom next year. In my classroom, I also have two other pieces of essential equipment. One is a laptop computer and the other is a projector. I use them almost daily, especially when introducing new programs or setups to students.

935 First Avenue
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Phone 866-373-9162

25----Wireless Keyboards----@ 62.95----1,573.75
10----Stylus 3 paks----------@14.99--------134.90
Shipping & Handling ------------------------30.00
Total------------------ 8838.65


2---TC11S Charge,Sync TriBeam Stations-----@449-------849.00
(Discount 89.00 + 40.00 S/H)

TriBeam Technologies
116 W. Eastman Street, Suite 208
Arlington Heights, IL 60004

Phone 847-483-9901
GOKNOW (software - Sketchy, Fling It, ) Optional -

25---GO KNOW Perpetual Licenses----------2293.75

Tap Smart Handshare (Download from Internet - Allows you to project your handheld)

1-----Tap Smart Handshare-----------------29.95

Total==============$12,011.35 (with software)
A little less than 10,000 for the hardware!